2024-02-12 22:08:00
RIP HexChat 2.16.2, The Final Release
Note: Hexchat is dead as of 2.16.2, The Final Release on February 9th 2024. Keep in mind, this could mean that HexChat accumulates unfixed vulnerabilities or bugs going into the future. If you are using IRC + tor for a "secure" use case, consider using an alternative, such as irssi or weechat.
sudo apt install tor hexchat
Run the tor command to start the tor service on
Keep this running in a background terminal.
Start HexChat
Connect to any IRC server.
This is required in order to access the HexChat menus.
In the new window, select Settings and then Preferences. Hit the option Network setup.
Under the hostname field, type in: and in port type in: 9050. Change the Type dropdown to SOCKS5
Next, fully close and reopen HexChat. Ensure that it is PROPERLY closed, and then reopened.